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Monday, June 16, 2014

...You Had Me at Froyo.

Dear Yogurtland,

We can no longer live like this. I cannot bury these emotions under your creamy "Real Flavors"® anymore. In an effort to preserve our relationship, I have a few questions and comments that demand immediate answering:

1) Why are you so delicious? I've known that there's cocaine in the Filet-o-Fish for a while now, but would you stoop so low? I think not. You're above that. You don't need illegal stimulants to make your product so addictive. I've read the fine print. I've read your terms and conditions and your ingredient labels. Unless you're pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, this addiction is only in my head. Do you want me to question my mental stability? Regardless of your answer, the original question still stands: why can't I quit you?

All I need is 173 days, Yogurtland. Then your unlimited cup will be mine.
2) Why have you not recognized my patronage? I visit you 1.4 times a week. And yet – YET – somehow you continue to maintain the facade that I did not win that trip to Puerto Rico. Statistically speaking, how is this possible? How many customers do you have that are as loyal as I? How many adult women find refuge in the brick-and-mortar experience of your product, present unpersuaded by tiny hands and high-pitched whining voices? How many of your customers struggle with diets solely because you exist? Not many. If this doesn't make me a super-mega platinum member worthy of your limitless cup, then I don't know what does.

I have accrued 175 points in 2 days short of three months. That's 175 ounces of your froyo in 88 days. That boils down to 1.9886 ounces of froyo per day. Sure, I buy for my friends, too, but it's because I'm a good person (and I want their points). How is this not worthy of some sort of corporate recognition?

3) Why have you not fixed that typo on your mobile app to which I so kindly alerted you? Rest assured most companies would lose my patronage at the sight of misspelling the word "raspberry" (especially to a company that holds said fruit so core to their existence), but I make an exception for you. You're welcome. You're worth it to me. I'm not proud and I'm not happy, but relationships require work. I'm putting in my half. Where's yours?

Not okay at all, Yogurtland.
4) Why have you not hired me yet? I filled out my application weeks ago. That typo I spotted that proves you need me is still there, illustrating that not only have you not given my application its due, but you don't know what's good for you, either. I. I am good for you. I breathe, sweat, and cry your product. I risk diabetes 1.4 times a week for your product. What other qualifications need I have?

Proof that I even endure mockery for you, Yogurtland. Mockery. Subtle, yes, but still mockery.

Well, Yogurtland, I've had my say. If you would be so kind as to address my concerns, you know where to find me. Just go to whichever Yogurtland of yours runs out of Ghirardelli caramel sauce and Pecans & Praline faster than any other location and I'll be there within 72 hours. Statistically speaking.

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Friday, June 13, 2014

The Best Advice #5

(Note: I work for a website where 13-year-olds and equally audacious people like to publish their knowledge. "Dear Jacqueline" is a page devoted to their work that didn't quite make the cut. You should be able to tell where my sarcasm stops and their wisdom steps in. For the record, no spelling or punctuation has been changed.)

Dear Jacqueline,

How do I have a personal relationship with God?! Help!
PS - I'm a Christian.

Wowwwww. I am soooo not the right person to ask for this one. HOWEVER, I do have a friend who really likes unicorns, so she'd probably be able to help. Let's see what she thinks about this one.

She totally knows what you should do! You're in luck. To get that warm, fuzzy, alpha-and-omega feeling in your stomach, here's everything you need to know:

  1. Never tell him your credit card number
  2. 2
  3. Don't disclose any private informations about who you love
  4. 3
  5. Embrace science

...Idiot-tested. Jesus-approved.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Best Advice Ever #4

(Note: I work for a website where 13-year-olds and equally audacious people like to publish their knowledge. "Dear Jacqueline" is a page devoted to their work that didn't quite make the cut. You should be able to tell where my sarcasm stops and their wisdom steps in. For the record, no spelling or punctuation has been changed.)

Dear Jacqueline,

How do I hold hands with my boyfriend?! Help!

Oof. You're right, that is a doozie. How many hands do you have between the two of you? Wait, no. Don't answer that. It doesn't matter. I think I'm going to consult Asian Hipster again on this one. She's done loads of hand holding in parks.

She's got it! Gotta admit, I've never tried this method of hand-holding before. Here's the answer to all your woes:

  1. Take your hand, make sure it is covered in lotion, partners love this.
  2. Look her/him straight in their eyes as they are tied down by rope and whisper "ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli"
  3. Proceed to grasp your partner's hand
  4. Don't let go
  5. You win. This is where you go in for the kill
  6. Reveal you are a lobster, you have always been a lobster
  7. Go back to the ocean and tell your lobster friends about your sick night

Duh. I mean, why didn't I think of that?
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For Taylor: 4 Tourists, 2 Teenagers, and 1 Canoe

My friend Taylor over at Due East runs a segment every week called "Travel Story Tuesday." She's kindly asked me to chip in a story for her blog, which I obviously can't not post on mine. Finally, years spent in Viet Nam are paying off! Here is my first travel tidbit for French Press and Due East, lovingly titled, "4 Tourists, 2 Teenagers, and 1 Canoe."

4 Tourists, 2 Teenagers, and 1 Canoe

Charlie, Josh, Yoon, and I decided to go on a scooter trip through the Central Highlands of Viet Nam. I would ride on the back of Charlie's gorgeous bright orange '69 Vespa Sprint and Josh and Yoon would ride on Josh's purple '81 Vespa something-or-other. We took two weeks off work to see how far north we could get and then we would just train it back home.

At the time, Charlie was my boyfriend. He was a little crazy and a terrible boyfriend, but he made up for it by being bold, adventurous, and daring. He mapped out a route through the highlands that avoided Highway 1, the Ho Chi Minh Trail, finding little roads that were down-and-out terrifying. There were several times when Josh was sane enough to realize he didn't want to drive and Charlie gladly volunteered to drive both scooters back and forth, like some sort of scary math problem. There were "bridges" made out of rotting planks of wood, hills of mud saturated from the monsoons, and mountains of gravel that required a snail's pace and strong lungs. If any of us forgot that we were in the third world in Saigon, we remembered it here.

After a week or so, going through villages like Rang Rang (essentially 7 people guarding entrance to a gravel road like some sort of human toll system) and Buon Ma Thuot (hills of the best coffee you'll ever taste), we had to plot a path to get to Nha Trang. We had an atlas and one smartphone. Where the atlas left off, the smartphone picked up an inch or so later. Charlie reckoned that it was just a third-world lack of mapping that was the culprit, and unfortunately none of us gave Viet Nam enough credit to argue otherwise.

Packed and ready to go with a route in mind, we started winding our way through muddy hills, ponchos at the ready as it was April and the 6 months of incessant rain had already begun. It started raining, and then pouring, and then absolutely drenching everything in sight. We had been working our way down this one road for hours when the sun started to set, knowing full well that we had passed the event horizon and there was no going back from here.

All of a sudden, we clear a hill and the only thing in sight is a lake. A lake with two shacks, a motor boat, and a canoe planted shoddily in front of it. Our road disappeared straight into the lake like, I dunno, a piece of birthday cake into my mouth. We stop as we have no choice. We can't turn around. We can't caulk the Vespas and float 'em. I'm sure at this moment I'm starting to lose my cool, but that part's all a bit blurry.

Within seconds, two teenagers come to our "rescue." They've got to be shy of 15 and maybe 150 lbs soaking wet combined. I like to think my Vietnamese was the best out of the group at this time, but Charlie's was decent, too. Well, decent for white people. We get across what we're doing, where we're going, and what we'd like to happen. They get across that the reservoir has now been rerouted, and that for $30, or 600,000đ, they can get us and our Vespas across to where the road starts back up. For the record, this will be the most money these people have seen in years and we're entirely aware that this is almost quite literally highway robbery. But what can you do?

Agreeing to this terrible, terrible deal, the teenagers start directing us to the "dock." There's a decent-sized motorboat there that looks trustworthy enough – if the motor stops working, we may at least be able to paddle to shore if we all put our minds to it. But no. No, no, no. They want to load us four white people and two vintage, 150-lb Vespas into the canoe next to it. A canoe with a motor, sure, but in my mind, it's a canoe. Okay, it's not actually a canoe, but let's just say 6 people and 2 Vespas on that thing would break any reasonable fire code and require us to get to know these boys on a biblical level of sorts.

Naturally, I start freaking out. No, no, no. We have to take the other boat. There's no way. There's absolutely no way. But the teenagers don't back down, and Charlie and Josh give in, arguing that they've no other option. The four "men" try to work together initially to get the Vespas into the canoe, but soon realize there are too many cooks in the kitchen. Josh and Charlie back off, letting the teenagers take over. How, I don't know. I was 100% sure the Vespas would slip into the water, out of the weak, undernourished hands of these teenagers, and off the "dock" that well deserves its quotation marks. It was a few 2x4s propped up by rocks.

By some miracle of Yahweh, the bikes get in and so do we. To this day, the resourcefulness and ingenuity of the Vietnamese people as a whole amazes me and this is just one example of how and why. What also amazes me is their gall. One boy kept on saying he liked my earrings and asked if he could have them. The other would just say, "I love you," over and over. In fact, those three words were printed on his yellow shirt below a smiley face. The same image, "I love you" included, was tattooed on his arm. I think it's pretty safe to assume this was 1 of maybe 2 shirts he owned. For the record, the first one did not get my earrings.

Somehow, some way, the canoe makes it, we make it, and we get to the other side – a mirror image of the side we left, but so much closer to Nha Trang. We give them their $30 and they give us hearty goodbyes. We were surely the most exciting thing they'd see for a while. I even got a kiss on the cheek.

I peed behind a shed, we hopped on our bikes, and got the heck outta Dodge. Looking back, maybe I should've given him my earrings.
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Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Best Advice Ever #3

(Note: I work for a website where 13-year-olds and equally audacious people like to publish their knowledge. "Dear Jacqueline" is a page devoted to their work that didn't quite make the cut. You should be able to tell where my sarcasm stops and their wisdom steps in. For the record, no spelling or punctuation has been changed.)

Dear Jacqueline,

How do I conceal my farts in public?! Help!

Well, whoever you are, you're in luck! I know TONS about concealing farts. Years of experience. In fact, that's why I'm going to tackle this tough topic myself. Let me carefully consider your situation for just a second.

Okay, I think I have it. I suggest you use the "blame it on a squirel" method. Here's what you need to do:

  1. blame it on a squirel
  2. 1
  3. no one knows how they fart anyway ok gurrlll so fart awayyy

...You're welcome.
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Friday, June 6, 2014

The Best Advice Ever #2

Dear Jacqueline,

How do I measure the pH of water? Help!

Hmm. That's a tough one, indeed. Let's see what Asian Hipster has to say about this one...

She's got it! Fear not! Here is the answer: Use the "these hoes aint loyal" method!
  1. 1
  2. grab a hoe
  3. 2
  4. Make her grind
  5. 3
  6. Make her loyal
  7. 4
  8. get her pregnant she will stay with you.
  9. 5
  10. Negrooooooo
(Note: I work for a website where 13-year-olds and equally audacious people like to publish their knowledge. "Dear Jacqueline" is a page devoted to their work and a peek into my life as an editor. For the record, no spelling or punctuation has been changed.)
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Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Best Advice Ever #1

Dear Jacqueline,

How do I prevent mice from entering my home? Help!

Anonymous Thoughtermelon

Dear Anonymous Thoughtermelon,

Fear not! Here is the answer: Use the ODB method!
  1. Call Ol' Dirty Bastard
  2. Say the following, "Straight up n down gohd, they rodents in the dojo"
  3. Prepare a guest room for ODB. He will arrive on the first half moon according to the Chinese calendar.
  4. Allow the Dirty his space, gohd. He's on it.
  5. Yo, the mice are yesterday son. Praise be ODB!
  6. Offer a weekend with your wife, daughter, daughter's friend, or any related female ODB may have interest in as payment.
  7. Take Od's card. It's also got Method Man's number in case you get termites.
(Note: I work for a website where 13-year-olds and equally audacious people like to publish their knowledge. "Dear Jacqueline" is a page devoted to their work and a peek into my life as an editor. For the record, no spelling or punctuation has been changed.)
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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ditch Your No-Carb Diet

I should write for Cosmo. Here is the first article I'm submitting to them in the parallel universe where both they publish entire articles devoted to sarcasm and where I want my first publication to be hidden below an article on Katy Perry's abs:


(None requires a gym membership!) Note: I have tried all methods described.

#3: The "My Best Friend's a Histrionic Bleep That Has to Be Skinnier Than Me" Diet


  • A mean 13 year-old girl
  • Britney Spears' 3rd album
  • A CD player from 2001

  • This one's a little slow to start. Combine that with the bitter hatred that will engulf your being and this one comes in at a solid #3. However, it's really not that hard to come by: histrionic bleeps are always looking for friends and you can probably find Britney's self-titled album "Britney" at any CDs Plus (track 12 is my favorite – written and produced by JT).

    Results: slow, but lasting.
    Repercussions: Back pain, freezing shoulders, and a rough case of misogyny.
    Damage done to soul: Moderate

    #2: The "The Guy I'm "Dating" is Homeless and Unemployed" Diet

    (Obviously, I'm trying to keep the standards for companionship at a doable level for any Cosmo afficionado. I don't know what type of crowd you hang with.)


  • 1 Homeless man
  • A mild temperament

  • This diet is simple and super cheap!


    1. Find homeless man.
    2. Keep him under your constant supervision.
    3. Do not eat in front of him; that'd just be rude.
    Results: staggeringly quick; however, they deteriorate rapidly without stringent upkeep.
    Repercussions: Loss of healthy metabolism, constant need to do laundry
    Damage done to soul: Moderate - High

    #1. The "I Went to a Third World Country and Drank the Water" Diet


  • Plane ticket
  • Turkish toilet
  • Third World Country™ water

  • Results: Ceaseless contemplation of your life choices
    Damage done to soul: Mild
    Repercussions: Self-hate for being a mere mortal with a properly functioning digestive system.


    The "My Food Talks to Me But I'm Good Looking So It's Okay" Diet

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